


133 續前,其五

    親老在家七十餘 每看膝下淚漣如 登科兩字千金直 孝養何愁無斗儲









13ren           あい様
Glasscastle         es様


English key
→” result of action”行動之結果
1. parade 遊行
2. decade 十年一期
3. blockade 道路阻塞
4. lemonade 檸檬
5. serenade 小夜曲
6. monad 單子
7. myriad 無數

→”declare; call out, cry out”叫出
1. reclaim 宣稱
2. declaim 朗讀
3. proclaim 宣告
4. clamorous 吵雜 full of noise

l 53.DE →”away from” 否定、離開
1. debark 上岸
2. debunk 揭露
3. decay 腐朽
4. deform 變形→變酸
5. defend 防禦

l 54.MEM →”remember” 記
1. memoir 回憶錄
2. memo 備忘錄
3. memory 記憶體
4. memorial 紀念日
5. commemorate 紀念
6. remember 記起

→”hold together” 放在一起
1. tenant 房客
2. tenable 站的住腳
3. contents 內容
4. maintain 保持
5. continue 持續

→”Shut” 關閉
1. conclude 結束
2. include 包括
3. exclude 逐出
4. preclude 排除、防止
5. seclude 隔離
6. conclusion 結論

→”around” 環繞
1. circumference 圓周
2. circumstance 週遭狀況
3. circumscribe 界定
4. circuit 迴路

l 58.TUDE
→”state of” 抽象名詞
1. attitude 態度
2. gratitude 感激
3. multitude 眾多

l 59.BI、BIN、BIS →”two” 雙
1. bicycle 腳踏車
2. biennial 每兩年
3. bigamy 重婚
4. bisect 切成兩半

→”conquer”  攻克
1. victim 受害者
2. victor 勝利者
3. convict 使認罪
4. convince 說服
5. invincible 無敵

l 61.DENT、DON’T →”tooth”  牙
1. dentist 牙齒
2. dentoid 齒狀
3. orthodontia 牙齒矯正
4. orthodontist 正牙醫師

l 62.INTER
→”between, among”  在…之間
1. interaction 交互作用
2. interdependent 相互依褚
3. interfere 介入
4. intervene 干涉

l 63.AN
→”not, absence of” 因缺乏而沒有
1. anemia 貧血
2. anesthesia 感覺缺失
3. anomaly 不規則

→”by hand”  用手
1. manual 手動
2. manufacture 製造
3. manufactory 工廠
4. manuscript 手搞
5. maneuver 略謀
6. manipulate 操縱

l 65.CRED →”believe” 信任
1. credit 信用、值得
2. accredit 委託
3. credence 信任

l 66.ANTI →”against” 反抗
1. antiacid 解酸劑
2. antidote 解毒劑

l 67.UNI →”one”  一
1. unicorn 獨角獸
2. unify 統一
3. unique 獨一無二
4. union 聯合
5. university 大學

→”believe” 信褚
1. federal 聯邦
2. confident 知己
3. confidence 自信

l 69.OPUS、OPER →”work” 工作
1. operate 操作
2. cooperate 合作

→” →adjective”  變成形容詞
1. declarative 說明的
2. affirmative 肯定的
3. additive 附加的
4. aggressive 侵略的

→”small” 短小
1. article 短文
2. molecule 微粒
3. culture 培養菌

l 72.URE ”→noun” 抽象名詞尾
1. censure 責備
2. culture 文化

l 73.FIX →”fix” 固定
1. fix 書卷氣
2. affix 把...固定

l 74.ISH →”origin” 有關
1. bookish 書卷氣
2. foolish 愚笨的

→”know” 知道
1. recognize 辨別
2. cognition 認知

English 909

l catch sb + Ving 某人正在…被逮個正著
l catch up with 迎頭趕上
l know for certain 確知
l cannot ... too + adj./adv. 再…不過
l chances are + that 很可能
l change for the better 好轉
l for a change 以求變化
l be characteristic of + N 為…之特色
l charge sb with 以..罪名起訴人
l be in charge 負責掌管
l have no choice but to V 除此之外別無他法
l clear A of B 將B自A中清除
l clear one’s throat 清喉嚨
l clear the table 清理桌子
l clear up 澄清
l cling to... 執著於
l close to 離..很近
l coincide with 碰巧
l come about 發生
l come around 甦醒過來
l come by 獲得
l come in handy 派的上用場
l come of age 成年
l come out 出版
l come over 順道過來
l come true 實現
l When it comes to + N/Ving 說到
l in comparison with 與…相較
l concentrate on 專心
l come to the conclusion that 獲得一結論
l on condition that S + V 如果
l come into being 問世
l come into contact with sb 與某人接觸
l keep in contact with sb 與某人保持聯繫
l come off well 成功
l have a good command 精通某語言
l have sth in common with sb 與某人在某處相同
l keep company with sb 陪伴某人
l compare A to B 將A比喻為B
l complain about… 抱怨
l As far as one is concerned, … 對某人而言
l be concerned about 關切
l be concerned in 涉入
l be confident of 對..有信心
l confine A to B 將A限制於B
l congratulate sb on sth 因某事恭賀某人
l be in connection with… 與…有關
l consist in 在於
l consist of 由…組成
l be content with 對…滿足
l to the contrary 反方向地
l on the contrary 相反的
l in contrast to… 與…對比
l go out of control 失控
l have sth under control 掌控某物
l at one’s convenience 在某人方便時
l convert A into B 轉換A為B
l convert to 宗教 皈依
l be convinced of + N 確信
l cope with 應付、處理
l correspond to… 符合
l correspond with sb 與…通信聯絡
l at all costs 不顧代價
l in due course 假以時日
l in the course of 在…之過程中
l be curious about… 對…好奇
l cut in on… 插嘴、打斷
l by day… by night 白天…晚上
l call it a day 到此為止
l the other day 前幾天
l be in danger of 有…的危險
l be out of date 過時的
l date back to 追溯到
l day after day 天天
l day by day 一天一天的、漸漸
l have seen better days 曾有過好時光
l in those days 當時
l be deaf to + N 對..充耳不聞
l deal in… 從事…之買賣
l deal with… 處理
l be deficient in… 缺乏
l by degrees 漸漸地
l to one’s delight 令某人高興
l be delighted at… 對..感到高興
l be dependent on… 依褚
l deprive sb of sth 剝奪某人某物
l derive A from B 自B獲得A
l be derived from 來自於
l describe A as B 將A描述為B
l beyond description 非筆墨所能形容
l leave nothing to be desired 完美無缺的
l in derail 詳盡地
l be determined to + V 決心去做
l be devoid of 沒有
l be devote to + N/Ving 對…執著


l The blind man(盲人) Cannot see things clearly.
l There are some deposits(沉澱物) at the bottom of this bottle.
l The President(總統) is burdened(負擔) with responsibility(責任) for decisions which may affect the whole country.
l His mother opened a box and disclosed(露出) what in it.
l He has a humble(卑微) job with very low wages.
l We can see the evening(傍晚) star at dusk(黃昏).
l He has some rare(稀有) stamps which are scarcely(決不) available(可買).
l She left her children at home with a pang(劇痛) of sadness(悲哀).
l A cottage(農舍) is a small house used by people during holidays in the country(鄉下).
l He was faint(衰弱) with hunger and cold.

l The Romans conquered(戰勝) much of the ancient world.
l The guides at the museum were dressed in Chinese costumes(裝束).
l The design of the new car was not accepted(公認的) by the public.
l Tom helped the blind man(盲人) across the road.
l A person who lives or travels with you as a friend and helper is your companion(夥伴).
l You must answer all the questions without exception(例外).
l Helen Keller learned to speak; she was blind and deaf(聾) but not dumb(啞).
l There are rich deposits(儲存/使沈積) of gold in those hills.
l The flame(火焰) of the burning candle(蠟燭) was yellow.
l Locks, nails, screws, knives and tools are hardware(金屬器件).
l A mammal(哺乳動物) feeds its young with milk(乳) from the breast(乳房).
l Detectives(偵探) investigate(調查) crimes(犯罪) to find out who did them.
l In the backyard(後院) I saw many hens(母雞) pecking(啄食) at the corn(穀).
l If a thing is in motion(移動), it is not at rest(停止).
l Many people opposed(反對) building a new highway because of cost(花費).
l Man’s landing(登陸) on the moon is the most remarkable(卓越的) event in all human history.
l The champion(優勝者) has retained(保持) his championship(冠軍地位) title longer than anyone else.
l Plans for selling the new products are now in preparation(準備中).
l The scratch(抓傷) on your hand will soon be well.
l Please rub(磨擦) the rust(鐵鏽) off the old helmet(頭盔).
l If you have a guilty(過失) conscience(良心), you fell or know you have done wrong.
l They worked hard from dawn(黎明) till dusk(日暮).
l It was accidental(意外) that we arrived at the party at the same time.
l Because he was filed with ambition(野心), he worked after school and on Saturday.
l The teacher’s comparison(比喻) of the heart to a pump helped the students to understand its action.
l The scientist is a man of extraordinary(特別的) genius.
l The young buds(芽) on the tree have been damaged by the late frost(霜).
l There have been numerous exchanges(兌換) of views between the two countries.
l The wet weather(天氣) discouraged(沮喪) people from going to the sports() meeting.
l I was depressed(沮喪) after reading the newspaper that was filled with new of accidents.
l We were informed(掌握情報) that the prisoner(犯人) had escaped(逃脫).
l We invited(邀請) all our relatives(有關) to my grandfather’s sixtieth birthday party.
l She knows how to manage(管理) her husband(丈夫) when he is angry.
l An oral(口頭) agreement(協定) is not enough; we must have a written promise(承諾).
l A rope(繩索) ladder(梯) was hung(吊掛) over ship’s side.
l That way of speaking(演講) is peculiar(獨特) to people in this part of the country.
l They built(建造) a new school as a remedy(補救) for crowded(擁擠) classrooms.
l Ancient Egyptians knew how to preserve(保存) dead bodies from decay().
l She helped her mother wash the plates(盤子) in the kitchen.
l Seeing no prospect(預期) of success, we quit(放棄) the attempt(企圖) to climb the mountain.
l A straw(稻草) hat(帽子) protects us from the hot sun.
l On the surface(表面) the two men seemed friendly.
l The President(總統) has tremendous(巨大) responsibilities(責任) for the nation.
l Many Africans were captured(捕獲) and sold(賣) into slavery(奴隸).
l We demanded(要求) more variety(變化) in our food.

l soldier(士兵) peasant(農夫) warrior(戰士) fighter(鬥士)
l lack(缺少) shortage(匱乏) want(缺乏) ruin(毀滅)
l grief(悲痛) flame(火焰) woe(悲痛) distress(苦惱)
l shake(震動) scratch(刮破) rub(磨擦) scrape(刮落)
l rapid(迅速) slender(修長) swift(快捷) quick(迅速)
l subjugate(征服) conquer(攻克) vanish(消失) vanquish(擊敗)
l reject(駁回) object(反對) oppose(反對) defeat(挫敗)
l endure(忍耐) endeavor(努力) stand(堅持) bear(經得起)
l keep(持有) hold(保持住) retain(保持) resume(恢復)
l close(關閉) show(展出) reveal(展現) disclose(露出)

l 沉默 dumbl 火焰 flamel 哺乳動物 mammall 輕拍 tapl 爭氣 vapor l 表面 surfacel 良心 consciencel 蟲 worml 肢 limbl 魅力 charm

l cruel(殘忍):dull religious benevolent(仁慈) restless
l conceal(隱蔽):discharge disclose(露出) reject vanish
l humble(謙遜):proud(驕傲) cheap huge firm
l burden(重負):scrape unload(卸貨) tangle connect
l sow(播種):harvest(收穫) plant bless strain
l surface(表面):bottom(底層) conscience bureau hymn
l monotony(單調):ambition hardship variety(多樣化) nonsense
l dawn(拂曉):dusk(日暮) daybreak authority blossom,
l scarce(缺乏、稀有):huge common(常見) religious humble
l faint(虛弱):dumb notable rate strong(強壯)

l Please don’t leave the tap(水龍頭) running.
l Two person were killed by the lightning(閃電) last night.
l The warriors(戰士) agreed to defend their castle to the last man.
l The stars’ influence(影響) on men has not been proved (證明).
l Before writing your check(支票), you must deposit(儲存) some of your money in the bank.
l He explained the new policy to the editorial staff(全體人員).
l We heard someone scream(尖叫) in fright.
l She didn’t like the work, because it lacked variety(多樣性).
l The child put the water to his ear and listened to its tick(滴答聲).
l The doctor put some medicine in each nostril(鼻孔).

l Grandfathers are usually charitable(慈善) toward the mistakes of their grandchildren. Benevolent
l She was gathering flowers with her companions(同伴) in the valley. Colleagues
l If you go to Scotland, you may see people in Highland costume(裝束). Dress
l The waves dashed(該死的) the boat against the rocks. Hurled
l If help does not come, we must endure(忍耐) to the end. Bear
l I could recognize the old car at a glance(掃視). Glimpse
l What influenced(影響) you to do it? Affected
l They soon began to investigate(調查) the cause of the fire. Examine
l The farmers worried about the lack(缺少) of rain. Shortage
l Japan made a proposal(提案) to Korea for increasing trade between the two countries. Suggestion
l Her method(條理、辦法) of teaching children. Way
l A prospect(預期) of victory. Hope
l A humanistic(人性的) motive(動機). Cause
l To shed(流出) tears(眼淚) of sorrow (悲痛). Pour
l An accidental(意外) happening.  Casual
l A spacious(廣闊) hall(大廳). Roomy
l An extraordinary(異常的) power.  Exceptional
l A remedy(補救、治療) for cancer(癌症). Cure
l A gleam(閃光) of firelight(火光). Flash
l At a tremendous(驚人的) speed.  Dreadful

l I want to run away, but my conscience(良心) bothers me.
l A boy who is filled with ambition(企圖心) always works hard.
l He doesn’t work in the office any longer; he retired(退休) from his job several years ago.
l Her letter informed(告知) us how and when she expected(預定) to arrive.
l I gave him my old text-books and received a dictionary in exchange(交換).

l ambition:Jack is an ambitious boy; he wants to become as famous as Edison.
l authority(權力):I have authorized him to act for me while I am abroad.
l inform:Can you give me any information about this matter?
l retire(退休):There have been several retirements recently.
l invite:I received an invitation card to her birthday party.